level C2

The word of the day: «Spain»

Hello, #Vivers! In the entry that we bring you today, we tell you the origin of a word that I am sure that all students of Spanish courses in Spain have used at some time: the name of the country where they are located.

The origins: Spanía and Hispania

The word of the day: Spain. Spanish courses in Madridthe greek word Spain It is recorded for the first time in the XNUMXst century BC. C. The geographer Artemidorus of Ephesus used it as a variant of the Greek Hispania, which passed into Latin as Hispania. At that same time that name was used by Julius Caesar, who distinguished the Hispanic later, beyond the Ebro River, and the Citerior Hispania, south of the Ebro River. After the union of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon with the wedding of the Catholic Monarchs, the name of Hispania It began to be used heavily for the country.

The origin of the word is not known with certainty. It is believed that it may come from Punic Isephanim, which in this language spoken by the Phoenicians of Carthage meant “island or coast of rabbits”, because the rabbit was a very abundant animal in Andalusia. The Phoenicians founded the oldest city in the West, Cádiz, 3000 years ago. On Roman coins from the time of King Hadrian, Spain was represented as a seated lady, with a rabbit at her feet. Furthermore, the Roman poet Catullus called the Iberian Peninsula Cuniculosa Celtiberia, which meant more or less “Celtiberia, the Hutch”.

Other possible origins of the word

However, some authors claim that the origin of the word is Celtic, because it is related to the fact that the plain region of the Iberian Peninsula has a shape similar to the palm of the hand, which was called chip in the Celtic language, and it is possible that this is the origin of the word Hispania.

There are also other hypotheses about the origin of the word Spain, although they are less credible. For example, the word chip from the Phoenician language, which meant “hidden, hidden.” It is possible that chip derived from the Hebrew word xaphano (hide), because Spain was a distant and hidden country.

Source: The origin of words. Illustrated etymological dictionary. Ricardo Soca.

If you are interested in studying Spanish courses in Spain, in the Luis Vives Spanish School we offer you Spanish classes for all levels. They will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid!

The word of the day: paella. Spanish courses in Madrid
The word of the day: "Paella"

Hello #Vivers! Many of our students of Spanish courses in Madrid have told us that they have tried paella. However, very few have been able to tell us the origin of this word.

And you? Do you know why it is called paella? If you are interested in knowing the origin of this word, in this article you can find out some curiosities about it.

The word of the day: paella. Spanish courses in MadridAs you already know, paella is a dry rice dish, with meat, fish, seafood, legumes, etc., typical of the Valencian Community.

This popular Valencian dish and famous throughout the world that we know as paella took its name from old French paele, which came from Latin limpet (similar to a large metal plate). That is, the Valencian word paella It has been taken from the name of the pan where it is prepared and thus came to Spanish around the year 1900, which replaced the old name that this dish had: “Valencian rice”.

One last curiosity: limpet of the Latins also reached us through padilla, a name that the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy explains is currently out of use, which refers to a small frying pan.

Source: The origin of words. Illustrated etymological dictionary. Ricardo Soca

Surely one of the reasons why you want to come to Spain is to eat authentic Paella, as well as other typical dishes of our country, right? If you are looking for a Spanish course in Madrid to learn to speak Spanish fluently like a native and improve your grammar, stop by. Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes that we offer, they will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid! 

The word of the day: beer. Learn Spanish in Madrid
The word of the day: "Beer"

Hello #Vivers! The weekend is approaching and also with spring weather that invites students who come to learn Spanish in Madrid to go out and have some very cool beers on one of the many terraces in our city.

But do you think they know the origin of this refreshing drink? And the origin of the word "beer"? And you? Do you know it? If you have ever wondered, in our new entry on Luis Vives' Spanish blog we tell you.

The origin of beer

When we talk about beer or ask someone where beer comes from, the first thing many people say is that its origin is from central Europe (Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic...). The issue is that in several Sumerian documents from the year 4000 BC. C. there was talk about a fermented cereal drink in Mesopotamia. In Babylon, beer consumption was so great that it forced King Hamurabi to legislate it, in his code, which sought to protect drinkers against dishonest tavern keepers, so it became the first consumer protection law in history. .

Some interesting anecdotes and legends about this drink:

The word of the day: beer. Learn Spanish in MadridIn Chaldea (a region of Mesopotamia), the inhabitants offered beer to the gods as tribute.

According to some stories, when Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) got bored with his concubines (lovers), he used to kill them by drowning them in beer.

Already in the Roman Empire, Pliny (Roman knight) said that the Gauls (French) called Cervesia to drink and brasce to the grain that was used to make it. So, brasce gave rise in French to brewer(beer maker) already brasserie (brewery).

During the Middle Ages, monks brewed the best beers, which in Latin were called cerevisiaemonacorum and to this day they are made in some European countries under the name “abbey beers”.

From the almost complete Cervesia from the Gauls (French) derived cervoise, as the drink was called for several centuries in the French language.

The first references in Spanish come from the XNUMXth centuries, as beer, and XVI, already with the current form beer.

The French beer, the Italian beer, English beer and the German Beer come from latin bottle (to drink).

Well, now you can surprise all your friends by telling them some of these anecdotes while you enjoy a few beers, but don't forget to drink wisely and above all: if you drink, don't drive!

Source: The origin of words. Illustrated etymological dictionary. Ricardo Soca

And if you are looking to learn Spanish in Madrid to learn to speak fluently like a native and improve your grammar, stop by. Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes what we offer. They will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid! 

The NAP. Spanish classes for foreigners
The word of the day: "Siesta"

Hello #Vivers! Many of the students in our Spanish classes for foreigners tell us that one of the things that Spain is best known for in their country is the custom of taking a nap.

“nap” is probably one of the most international words in our vocabulary. Thus, it has been transferred to languages ​​as diverse as English (siesta), French (sieste), German (siesta), Danish (siesta), Hungarian (szieszta) or Polish (sjesta)...

What is the nap?

It refers to the time dedicated to resting after eating, between three and five in the afternoon and comes from the Latin sixta, which means “the sixth hour of the day” and corresponds, approximately, to noon among the Romans.

The NAP. Spanish classes for foreignersAs we have mentioned previously, the nap is a time of rest and relaxation, which allows you to regain strength for the afternoon, thereby significantly increasing performance. We all need time to rest throughout the day.

For many years, the Nordic countries considered that people who took naps (preferably Spaniards and Italians) were truly lazy. For this reason, taking a nap after eating was considered inappropriate for hard-working and industrious people, but what they did not know is that it is scientifically proven that a nap of no more than 30 minutes improves general health and prevents stress. In addition, it promotes memory and learning mechanisms.

To enjoy a nap you can sleep for a while, but relaxing or simply stretching for a few minutes can also be considered a kind of short nap. The nap is related to our “biological clock”: brain and physical activity decreases every four hours and to renew it, the body needs a few minutes of rest, which corresponds to the time of the mid-afternoon nap.

It is advisable to take a nap after an excessive meal, to promote digestion and regain strength before resuming activity. It is also very convenient in times of work pressure or if you feel tired or sleepy while driving during a trip.

Advantages of the siesta

The main advantages of taking a nap are:

  • Improves the feeling of general well-being.
  • Increase vitality
  • Reactivates reflections.
  • Improve our level of attention.
  • Increase the efficiency of our work.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents.

So now there is no excuse not to take a “nap” after eating. Sweet dreams!

Sources: Wikipedia and kioskea.net (under Creative Commons license).

Learn Spanish and enrich your vocabulary with the Spanish classes at the Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the courses that we offer, they will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in Madrid!

Expressions related to sports - Spanish School
Expressions related to sports

Hello #Vivers! Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end and vacations are over. However, in our Spanish school we return with batteries full of energy to continue teaching. We return with a new entry in Luis Vives' Spanish Blog. This time we leave you this video of Luis Vives TV in which our beloved teacher Daniel Agudo will explain some colloquial expressions to us.

These are everyday expressions that have their origin in the world of sports. If you want to see it, you just have to click and hit "play". If you like it, don't forget to "like" it and share it with your friends...

We hope you liked it and you know, if you are looking for a Spanish course in Madrid to learn to speak Spanish fluently and improve grammar, stop by Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes what we offer. They will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School, the best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid!

The past pluperfect. School to learn Spanish.
The past pluperfect

Hello #Vivers! This week in Luis Vives' Spanish Blog We are going to review the form and uses of the Pluperfect Past.  This is one of the verb tenses that generate the most doubts among students who come to our school to learn Spanish. We leave you an infographic with the form of regular and irregular verbs and the uses of this past tense. At the end you will find some links to online exercises so you can practice them. If you want to see it, you just have to keep reading...

The past pluperfect. School to learn Spanish.

exercises to practice

In the following link you can find a lot of online exercises to practice regular and irregular verbs in the Past Pluperfect:

Exercises of the Past Perfect Past (regular and irregular)

Here we also leave you a link to profedeele.es, where you can find more explanations and activities to continue practicing with this time from the past:

The Past Pluperfect

If you are looking for a Spanish course in Madrid, you can come to our school to learn to speak Spanish fluently and improve your grammar, stop by Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the courses of Spanish that we offer, they will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School, the best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid!

Spanish academies in Madrid - The Spanish blog - The Fallas of Valencia
The Fallas of Valencia

Hello #Vivers! The Valencia Fallas are coming! and at Luis Vives Escuela de Español we do not want to miss the opportunity to tell you what this famous and spectacular celebration consists of. Below we explain what Las Fallas are and present some basic vocabulary about these festivals, so that you can discuss it with your classmates in Spanish courses and show off that you know Spanish culture.

 Las Fallas are one of the most popular festivals in Spain. Many of the students in our Spanish courses ask us about them and some even dare to experience them in first person. It is a tradition deeply rooted in the city of Valencia and also in other towns in the Valencian Community. They are celebrated in March, although they officially begin on the last Sunday in February.

Currently, this festival has become a very important tourist attraction, and has been declared of International Tourist Interest. They are also called Josephine festivals or Sant Josep festivals (in Valencian), since they are celebrated in honor of Saint Joseph, patron saint of carpenters.

The origin of the festival

The origin of the Fallas festival dates back to the ancient tradition of the city's carpenters, who on the eve of the festival of their patron saint, Saint Joseph, burned old junk in front of their workshops, in the streets and public squares. useless along with the wooden contraptions they used to raise the lamps that illuminated them while they worked in the winter months. For this reason, the day of the cremà (the moment in which the "ninots", the Fallas monuments, burn) always coincides with the 19th, the Festival of San José.

The central theme of the festival is the burning of the ninots (marionettes or dolls), which are enormous statues made of papier-mâché, wood, paper mache and plaster. Ninots usually represent satirical scenes and recent events. For example, in recent years a very popular topic has been political corruption and famous Spaniards. The creation of the ninots, which requires a lot of work and can sometimes cost more than €60.000, is usually the responsibility of neighborhood associations and their construction usually lasts an entire year.

As for the name, “Las Fallas” literally means “the flames” in Valencian.

During the Fallas, Valencia transforms into a city dedicated to its party, music and gunpowder. The Fallas are the fire festivals par excellence and the city is dyed the color of flowers and gunpowder to welcome spring and more than a million visitors, who between the music of the bands and the roar of the mascletàs travel through the Fallas monuments.

Some of the most important elements of these holidays

In your country is there a similar celebration or one in which fire is the central motif? Do you dare to describe it to us? Tell us in a short essay and attach an image if possible.

Don't forget that to learn Spanish it is very important to learn its culture, the Hispanic culture. In Luis Vives Spanish School We know it and that is why we integrate culture into our Spanish courses. If you want to learn Spanish in Madrid, contact contact with us and we will help you!

Did you know? The origin of the word spam. Courses to learn Spanish.
Did you know?: The origin of the word "spam"

Hello #Vivers! Surely you are tired of deleting advertising or commercial emails that you have never requested, junk emails or more generally known as "spam". Sometimes it becomes an annoying task to which we must dedicate a few minutes a day or at certain intervals. For our part, you can rest assured, since we do not send emails with information about our courses to learn Spanish. Have you ever thought about the true origin of this word? Today in a new entry in our section, did you know what? we tell you...

The word "spam", which does not appear in the DRAE (Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy), arose from the need to give some name to the large amount of spam we often receive over the Internet.

There is a version of the origin of "spam" that suggests that it comes from the acronym for "Short, Pointless, and Annoying Messages."

But the most reliable origin of "spam" is related to the abbreviation of the name of a pork luncheon meat that has been sold by the Hormel company since 1937, SPiced hAM (seasoned or spiced ham).

Popularization of the use of the word

The success of the meaning of the term "spam" became popular with a Monty Python sketch broadcast on his Flying Circus program. In it, a couple enters a cheap restaurant and asks the waitress what dishes are on the menu. The waitress responds “spam with egg, spam with sausage, spam with egg and sausage, spam, spam with canned egg, spam with canned sausage…”, and so on a long succession of combinations. This mechanical repetition of the term "spam" was the inspiration for computer scientists to give this name to this type of computer garbage.

Curious, right? Well, if you are interested in knowing more curiosities like this, be sure to read the Luis Vives' Spanish Blog.

And if you are looking for a course to learn to speak Spanish fluently like a native and improve your grammar, stop by Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes what we offer. They will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid! 

The carnival. Spanish classes in Madrid
The Carnival

Hello #Vivers! Carnival is approaching, one of the many festivities that students who come to receive Spanish classes in Madrid can enjoy.

Carnivals have become one of the most international festivals, conquering the hearts of people for generations. Its common characteristic is that it is a period of permissiveness and a certain lack of control. Illusion, costumes, colors, paintings, masks, dances, songs, lots of fun and, above all, the Carnival parades. All of this marks the character of the festival, but what is the origin of this traditional festival?

The origins of Carnival

The carnival. Spanish classes in MadridAlthough the true origins of Carnival are still unknown, historians estimate that the first celebrations that would later take the name Carnival took place years before the birth of Christ and have their origins in festivals related to agriculture. It seems that farmers gathered in summer with masked faces and fully painted bodies, around a bonfire, to celebrate the fertility and productivity of the soil, or to ward off evil spirits from the harvest.

The first carnival celebration is located in Egypt. The party was nothing more than dancing, singing, and the participants wore masks and costumes as a symbol of the nonexistence of social classes. Later, the tradition spread to Greece where there was the custom of riding a boat with wheels (carrus navalis) and people danced all kinds of dances, around the 5.000th century BC. Also in Rome, numerous pagan festivals were held around the god. Bacchus, the god of wine, which is more than XNUMX years old.

These ceremonies had one point in common. They were associated with spiritual and astronomical phenomena and natural cycles. Likewise, they were manifested through expressions such as dance, chants, satire, masks and disorder. In a society with so many social differences, the festivals met the need for freedom for everyone. Rich and poor mixed together during the carnival, without recognizing each other under the fabric and masks of the costume.

Carnival Expansion

As a result of the expansion of Christianity, it gained momentum and the festival acquired the name carnival, with the main reason being to say goodbye to eating meat during the time of Lent. The etymology and origin of the word carnival indicates that it comes from the Italian term 'carnevale' and this in turn from the Latin 'carnem levare' whose meaning is carnem (meat) and levare (remove): to remove the meat.

The carnival. Spanish classes in MadridQuickly, the carnival reached Venice, and from there, it spread throughout the world. Little by little, its characteristics were shaped, depending on the customs of each country. Each city incorporated the habits of its culture. But, in general, carnival is defined through masks, costumes, floats, parades and dances, something common in all celebrations, regardless of the place where the Carnival celebration takes place. In fact, currently the Venice carnival is one of the best known in Europe. The tradition began when the nobility began to dress up to go out and mix with the people. The masks are the most important element of this characteristic carnival. Since then, this tradition spread throughout Europe, and later throughout Latin America thanks to Spanish and Portuguese navigators, starting in the XNUMXth century.

Carnival today

One of the places in the world where Carnival is most famous is Brazil. All cities take to the streets to worship Carnival to the rhythm of samba. It is one of the most spectacular parades organized worldwide. According to the Guiness Book of Records, the largest carnival celebration in the world is in Rio de Janeiro. Other internationally famous carnivals are those of Barranquilla in Colombia, Oruro in Bolivia, Venice in Italy, Veracruz and Mazatlán in Mexico, and Cádiz and Tenerife in Spain.

 Above all, carnivals are about fun… a lot of fun!

Text adapted from: www.guiainfantil.com/articulos/celebraciones/carnaval/la-historia-del-carnaval-para-los-ninos

If you are looking for Spanish classes in Madrid to learn to speak Spanish fluently like a native and improve your grammar, stop by. Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes what we offer. They will surely adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in the heart of Madrid!

Spanish academies in Madrid - The Spanish blog - The word of the day: Guay
Word of the day: "Cool"

Hello #Vivers! Surely more than once, listening to a conversation between young people, you have heard the expression "cool" or in Spanish class your "teacher" has taught it to you as a possible answer to the question "how are you?"... This It is one of the funniest words in Spanish and you have surely wondered at some point what its origin is. Today in our word of the day, we bring you the meanings and origin of this expression.

The use of this expression became popular in the 80s and 90s. In those years, it became a catch-all word to refer to a thing or a person that is fun, surprising, attractive and fantastic. In this sense, to indicate that something was of good quality, it was associated with the rhyme “cool from Paraguay”, although it has no relationship with the South American country, other than a certain exoticism… Recently, a certain pejorative meaning has been added to the word. by including it in the expression "Ir de cool", which is said of a person who behaves falsely or who boasts of money and fame.

The origins of the use of the word cool

Now, "cool" is a very old word that was originally synonymous with the interjection ouch. Thus, it had the meaning of lament or threat: "Woe is me!", instead of "Woe is me!"; or "Woe to you if you abandon me!" instead of "Woe to you if you abandon me!" Its use already appears reflected in texts from the Middle Ages and we can find the word without any effort in La Celestina (1499), by Fernando de Rojas. Cool acquired its current meaning in the XNUMXth century by phonetically coinciding with the English word gay (funny, bright).

According to other theories, the word "cool" comes from the Eastern Arabic "quwais." This expression means “how good” and is widespread in countries such as Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and other countries in the region. It is said that in principle it was used in the south of Spain to describe something of good quality and its use was restricted to the trade of "hashish" (cannabis) from Morocco, but towards the 80s it ended up spreading in a broader sense to many areas and began to be used by young people as a synonym for "cool."

"This movie is cool"

«Yesterday we had a great time»

How cool! We go on tour!

Attend Spanish class and enrich your vocabulary in the Luis Vives Spanish School and take a look at the Spanish classes what we offer. They are sure to adapt perfectly to your needs. Luis Vives Spanish School The best option to learn Spanish in Madrid!